The key to A remarkable manuscript:

Professional Academic Editing
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Academic writing doesn’t have to be stressful. There are a lot of questions and challenges, but with the help of a professional who has been where you are, the process can become much easier, and you can get one step closer to your academic goals.

Your Success is My Priority

I help professionals in academia write outstanding papers that get them grants, publications in some of the world’s best journals, and jobs at leading universities, research institutions, and businesses. Scholaris edits books, dissertations, theses, essays, grant proposals, and dissertation proposals as well as correspondence with professional contacts and prospective employers.

Kevin Johnston, PhD

Founder and Social Sciences specialist with over 30 years of experience both writing and editing academic papers. After working as a professor, researcher, and academic director, I founded Scholaris to help academics publish their academic papers in flawless, professional English.

The Scholaris Difference

In most online editing services, algorithms and interns play a prominent role in the editing process, risking a rough and unreliable product.

Many editors lack advanced professional degrees and faculty experience.

What makes my service better? I am a well-published, Yale-educated former professor who has supervised dissertations and theses, reviewed manuscripts for academic journals and book publishers, and served on the board of a major international journal.

Scholaris brings you an exceptional level of service grounded in decades of academic experience.

List of Universities & Institutions I've Served

My clients include faculty, graduate students, post-docs, & researchers at some of the top schools in Asia:

China: Tsinghau U, Renmin U, Xiamen U, Guizhou U, University of International Business and Economics, City University of Hong Kong; China University of Petroleum—Beijing; China Pharmaceutical University; Huazhong University of Science & Technology

South Korea: Seoul National University, Kyung Hee University, Korean Institute of Public Finance, Korea Information Society Development Institute, Inha University, Hosei University, Ajou University

Japan: Tokyo U, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Soka University Nagoya U, Hitotsubashi University

Singapore: Singapore Management University

My clients also include graduate students, post-docs, researchers, & faculty at dozens of prestigious institutions worldwide, including:

United States: Carnegie Mellon, CalTech, MIT Clemson, Duke, NYU, Ohio State, North Dakota State, Pennsylvania State, Princeton, University of Arizona, UCLA, University of Chicago, University of Florida, Washington University in St. Louis, and Yale

Additional top universities and research institutes in Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Pakistan, Thailand, and Europe.

My service is not limited to these universities. If you have a manuscript, simply email me at, and we can discuss how I can be of service to you.

Learn More About Dr. Johnston

With decades years of experience in writing and editing academic papers, I deliver a unique level of experience that will help you achieve your academic goals. Visit my About page to learn more about me.

Don't Lose Opportunities

You will be supported by a professional with decades of experience helping academics—both professors and graduate students—achieve their goals.

Get the Assistance You Need

I understand the faculty and student experience in academia, and I can help you achieve your academic goals.

From An Experienced Professional

I know what it takes to prepare a publication-ready manuscript or a highly polished, attention-getting dissertation because I’ve done it myself

Who Make You a Priority

Knowing what it takes to write great papers, I review and edit each paper myself. To provide an exceptional level of service, I read each manuscript several times, ensuring your paper is of the highest quality.

My Services

Don’t Settle for Less

Copy Editing and Proofreading

Ensures that your entire paper has proper grammar, punctuation, hyphenation, and punctuation.

ESL Editing

Your paper will read like it was written by a native English speaker.

Line Editing

Improves the style, clarity, narrative flow, continuity, and readability of your manuscript.

100% Confidentiality Guaranteed. We correspond only with the manuscript’s author.


“I recently worked with Dr. Johnston to write a grant, and was amazed at how quickly he grasped the fundamental concepts of the proposal… His insights and editing without a doubt made the difference between success and failure”

Dr. Brent Sohngen, Professor of Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics at The Ohio State Unviersity

“The time and energy invested in academic research and analysis is often enormous, and the final write-up is often the most critical and challenging stage. Through deep understanding of how complex topics must be communicated in a clear and concise manner, Scholaris Academic Editing proved extremely valuable in the completion of our recent book manuscript.”

Dr. Michael Harrower, Associate Professor of Near Eastern Studies at Johns Hopkins University

“I am extremely happy with your edition of these papers. It is perfect.”

Graduate Student at Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Get In Touch

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Schedule your free consultation on my calendar here.